Sunday, June 09, 2013


"Decorated Envelopes" (Sharpie)
 Happy Sunday Sketches!  I was working on some quick and fun envelopes for a swap.
"Decorated Envelopes" (Sharpie)
 This little monster likes to yank out the flowers in the garden!
"Decorated Envelopes" (Sharpie)
 Another whimsical house...really having fun working on those crooked houses.
"Decorated Envelopes" (Sharpie)
Have a great week everyone!  The last week of school for the boys....

Also linking with Diane Evans 10min. Warm Ups!


Joni Nickrent said...

Love the fun and whimsical pieces you've created! Perfect!

Loveday Funck said...

Your crooked houses are charming!

Naughty little monster :(

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

These envelopes would be a very pleasant surprise to get in the mail. I especially like the little house scene with the groovy tree. Blessings!

Unknown said...

Love your envelopes, especially that naughty monster... :)

Tammie Lee said...

these are quite fun
i love the house one!
what a great envelope to get in the mail!

uncustomary said...

These are extremely cute!

Christine said...

oh these are fun!

PiaRom said...

Haha, those funny will be nice to get them in the sweet the monster grabing the flowers ;) ♥ Conny

SWK said...

Nice sketches! Snail mail is already such a surprise and pleasure to receive!

poppylocke said...

These are lovely and such fun! My favourite is the cute flower-picking monster :)

Algodão Tão Doce said...

Olá amiga,vim retribuir sua carinhosa visita ao meu cantinho.
Fiquei feliz por seguir-me!!!
Obrigada,volte sempre e pegue o meu selinho de agradecimento!

Beijos Marie.

Unknown said...

The whimsical house is really cool!
-gain exposure to your blog swap! (mommyistatted2)
