Friday, June 07, 2013


"When Artists Get Bored" Marshmallow snacks gone wild.

When I'm working on something like this family tree for my cousin I usually have a snack sitting in a dish near by.  So as I'm sketching I notice a random marshmallow.  Looks like that little marshmallow needs some eyes....
"When Artists Get Bored" Marshmallow snacks gone wild.
That's better!  Now the little guy has tons of character. 
"When Artists Get Bored" Marshmallow snacks gone wild.
He can look scared.  The family tree for my cousin might turn out bad?
"When Artists Get Bored" Marshmallow snacks gone wild.
He can look nervous.  My cousin might not like the tree?
"When Artists Get Bored" Marshmallow snacks gone wild.

OR he can just look squished.  Because lets face it, it's a marshmallow and how many expressions can it have?  :)  LOVE to goof around.

Happy Paint Party Friday!
Happy Creative Everyday!

What snacks can you guys alter?


Faye said...

Your family tree looks like it will be a family heirloom (sans marshmallow)!

Katie Jeanne Wood said... made me laugh so loud!! You're a funny girl!! :D

Leovi said...

I like, very funny, very creative!

Linda Kunsman said...

what fun! For some reason your little marshmallow fellow reminded me of ventriloquist/comedian Jeff Dunham's character Achmed :) Happy PPF!

Anonymous said...

How fun is this! I don't think you are bored at all, just loving the playtime. Like where the marshmallow is traveling, looking good on that work desk....too cute. Happy PPF

GlorV1 said...

Well I had my laugh for the day. Thanks for that. Very fun post. :)

Rita said...

Oh my goodness. I LOVE this. I can't wait to show my kids...I feel something fun coming on. :)

denthe said...

so cute. this made me smile ....

Lisa Graham said...

Too funny! Now I want to go and play with marshmallows. The tree for your cousin looks amazingly detailed!

Loveday Funck said...

Thank you for a wonderful start to my morning! Very cute!

JKW said...

I needed that break from serious. Very cool - good story/illustrations. Blessings, Janet PPF

smadronia said...

This is cracking me up, a good laugh rounds out my day :)

Elisa said...

what a fun idea tam! surely he keeps your art making more creative! said...

Haha! That's so funny. Thanks for making me smile:)

Unknown said...


soulbrush said...

Ha ha so funnyyyyy.

Anonymous said...

I guess most artist need to be kinda busy while designing something right? As for me mostly will be busy munching pop corns or crisps as I think hard to.

Anyway in deed you are an artist with great stuff. Would you mind designing clothes? If yes let's exchange ideas

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