Tuesday, August 06, 2013


"Crooked House" www.tamsartinflight.com
Happy Birthday to me..lala Happy Birthday to me!  haha  

I love my birthday. Every year I get to see my Mom which is nice.  I get birthday wishes online which I LOVE and I always eat cake which is my favorite.  I think people need to force good birthdays on themselves.  Out of all the days of the year it's one that you should remember in a good way.

Finished another crooked house awhile ago.

Pen & Ink
Nail Polish
5x5 90lbs watercolor block

I thought I lost the little illustrations in the previous post.  BUT I found them today so I will finish them and show them off soon!


Loveday Funck said...

This is absolutely adorable!

Have an amazing birthday!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Today is my oldest daughter's b'day as well!... Hope u have a great day-- bask in the moment...

yellowbee said...

Happy Birthday!!

I completely agree, forcing yourself for a happy birthday isn't all too bad! :) Hope you have a lovely day xx

Christine said...

Happy Birthday! Cute painting

Unknown said...

Happy birthday glad you're enjoying creating your crooked homes.

denthe said...

Nailpolish ...!?
Love your little crooked house! and a very happy (belated) birthday to you!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Love your painting of the crooked house and your idea of using nail polish, which I see is in the path.

Creations By Mit said...

Happy birthday! Love your positive attitude AND your adorable little house!

poppylocke said...

Happy (belated) birthday! Your little house is sweet - yay for bunting! :D

Michaele Razi said...

Happy Birfday! Your painting is lovely!

Mette Hummel Gabrielsen said...

Hi Tam! thanksyou so much for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment. I really appreciate it! I absolutely love your portfolio. Those trees are fantastic!