Friday, August 16, 2013


Something really different!  Well, the trees are usual but the collage is NOT!! AND it was super HARD!  Don't let anyone tell you collage is easy.  It takes such a flair that's really outside my comfort zone.  If it seems easy you've got a gift. You are really lucky.  I really really like the way it looks with the paper collaged in the tree like that but I probably won't do this again.  I've never been so frustrated. Acrylic paint is also not my thing....ugh! I'm glad it's over. :)

Linking with:
Paint Party Friday 
Sunday Sketches


Kalei's Best Friend said...

Gorgeous and magical!. We have a Mountainview school in my city as well!. u are right, collage is not easy- I've done it and it does take patience..

Faye said...

It is really, really a beautiful collage. But it doesn't look easy to me. I've only done very small ones and not many at that.

Twist of Pink said...

I love your whimsical and clean style!

Susan said...

Delightful! Your sky is amazing.

Loveday Funck said...

I am sorry that it was so much work but your piece is amazing. Your tree is glorious and sky is beautiful indeed!

Anonymous said...

Fantstic, your trees are amazing. xox

bellefrogworks said...

Absolutely lovely painting - I love collaging canvases - I think it was all the papier mache I did as a kid.

Anne Manda said...

Cute and whimsical, love the brushwork and colors! <3 said...

It's always good to try something new. Even though you found that collage and acrylics are not 'your thing' you have still created a lovely piece of art. Well done:) HPPF

denthe said...

You may be glad it's over but I'm glad you did it! It looks great, love that collage and the way you did the sky!

Ginny said...

This is such a happy piece. I love the bright colors and swirling lines.

Laney said...

I really love the way you painted the sky!

അവന്തിക ഭാസ്ക്കര്‍()(, Avanthika Bhaskar said...

Really its different.
really love this one in your tree series.