Sunday, September 23, 2012


This is where I spend a lot of time waiting for my boys to do *insert school, sport activity here.*
Also, I painted my nails. 
I NEVER paint my nails.  It only lasts a day or so.  I am rough on my hands and nails, I guess.  I wasn't aware of that until I started painting them and almost immediately after I do, they are chipped.  Even the professional nail salons fail!  I am envious of those who can rock an awesome manicure!
I have a clip board that I set on a big jacket in my lap.  There is usually good light in the car.  It will get tricky when winter comes and it gets dark soooo early.
I always keep art supplies in the car.  I never know when inspiration will hit.  This bear is done with sharpie!  What kinds of "out of the norm" places do you guys do art?


Tammie Lee said...

i love that you keep art supplies in your car! I always grab them when i head out the door, but why not just have them waiting for me. Such a cute little bear.

i also can not keep polish on!

Joni Nickrent said...

A perfect traveling clever! Love it!

carol l mckenna said...

Love your art style and great that you keep supplies in your car ~ grab that muse whenever she arrives ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Zue said...

He is a wonderful bear and I love his stripes, great fun.
I sometimes make things in my greenhouse.
Have fun!

Christine said...

such a cute Teddy, love where you do your art work!

Debbie said...

cute bear! I took my art supplies to a dr's office, when I knew the wait would be more then 10 min. Great idea to keep supplies in the car!

pauline said...

Tamara, what a cute little bear! You are wise to have a mini studio in the car... I looked at you past posts... OMG, your trees are out of this world! I lOVE LOVE the detail on your branches. Those twirly twirls are fantastic. Beautiful style... xox

Tracey FK said...

I do a bit of sketching in the school pick up line, but other than that I am either in the studio or at the breakfast room table... if I'm not strict on myself then I end up with supplies in every room and I have to do a hunt everytime I need something... my brain is incapable of remembering where things are so I need to limit the possibilities...

love this bear especially as I love the stripy fur... I had a striped bear when I was little...xx

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping at my blog, saw your nails, I have a nail finish trick I think you will love. I put down a layer of clear polish dust some fine craft glitter over it let it dry then finish with a couple clear coats of polish. It lasts for weeks, never chips and always looks sparkly.

Fallingladies said...

I do art in my car all the time, on my lunch hour! Glad to know i am not the only one!

Molly said...

Awww... Adorable bear! I always keep a sketchbook in my bag for any unexpected times during the day when I have a rare moment if downtime!

And I have the same problem with my nails... Nail polish is wasted on my fingernails... But my toes are always pretty to make up for it! ;-)

Ritu Dua said...

Oh this absolutely is a darling are right that urge to create can crop up anywhere anytime :)

Unknown said...

super smart! I carry my stuff in my bag, but I ought to just keep it in the car like you do! thanks for the tip:)
Love your cute bear!

Jez said...

What a good idea to use 'dead' waiting in the car time. I love the stripey bear. Your cute bears look as though they should be on mugs, and notebooks covers, and mouse mats in all the shops.

I've just looked on your Portfolio page and your trees are magical, and your fish, and they should be on mugs and plates - I'm sure people would snap them up.
(Of course, you may already have that in place) Anyway, love your blog.

Anonymous said...

You are stinkin adorable! I love your blog!! I am a new follower. Come check out my blog at:

Follow me if you enjoy what I have to say! I'd LOVE that!


Beth Stone said...

I feel your pain about the manicures - I always destroy mine too within a few hours...or minutes! Great idea to keep art supplies in your car! A studio on wheels! Cute bear!

Jenni C's said...

love the glitter, good idea to keep some art supplies in the car...going to do that too...popping over from Studio JRU

Alisa said...

I am the same way, lots of time sitting and waiting in the car. I also keep tablets in my purse and car.

Regarding finger nail polish, I can't use it. When I am working on something and my finger moves across the page, it leaves streaks of the color I am wearing. Someone told me to try a top coat of clear. Too much work :)

Sarah Leonard said...

I've wondered about using sharpie pens to make my own art prints. I might well give them a try.

I love that you don't waste a moment. Even waiting in the car can be used!


Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Love your car studio! One can create just about anywhere... love it! :) Nail polish doesn't last on my nails either, but it is pretty for a day. lol