Saturday, June 15, 2013


Recently I was asked to do a living room rendition for The Cat Whisperer book written by Mieshelle Nagelschneider.  Mieshelle and I have been friends for about 23 years. We were super young girls just starting out in the animal hospital world.  Mieshelle was a vet technician with a special love for cats and I was a receptionist dreaming of being an artist.  Well, mostly I was dreaming of my dreamy boyfriend Paul!  Over the years Mieshelle became the world renowned Cat Whisperer focusing on all kinds of tips, hints and tricks for keeping your cat healthy and happy.  Mieshelle will be making an appearance on the TODAY SHOW with Kathy Lee and Hoda, the fourth hour, June 17th. That's tomorrow morning! I look forward to the show and knowing my little drawing is in the book, page #230, right there on the Today Show.


Linking with Sunday Sketches :)

Living room rendition by Tam Hess for The Cat Whisperer book. Written by Mieshelle Nagelschneider.

Mieshelle Nagelschneider (Top Middle) Tam Hess (Top Right)


Joni Nickrent said...

How Cool! Love the sketch! Congrats!

Anne Manda said...

Huge congrats, how perfectly awesome! Great sketch! <3

Christine said...

congratulations, how wonderful!

Ginny said...

Congratulations to both of you.