Saturday, November 10, 2012


These are some of the designs I'm using for Christmas cards this year.

I used bristol paper.  Lots of texture on that paper.

Not sure I'm loving it.....
My sis and I are on a bazaar rampage.  Every other weekend we have a bazaar.  PLUS I volunteered to help with the Christmas decor at church.  I love doing things large scale so my first large prop was guess what?

You have to guess.....


Anonymous said...

gee I'm not sure what it would have been but I sure like this bear!! Best of luck !

sharon said...

These bears are gorgeous! I bet you are using a bear? Strange I ve posted on my Xmas Cards too, something in the air?

Tammie Lee said...

Bazaars can be so much fun, as are your bears Tam~

Unknown said...

Love the bear, super cute. I haven't been to a Church Bazaar since I was a little girl. Used to go with my Gran... :)

MS Raghav said...

was it a bear??? :D just guessing..
and the card designs are too cute.. i wish i could hang one of your cards on my wall this Christmas! ^_^

Jez said...

Cute little bears. Imlove the one with the boe tie.

Jez said...

Apologies for the spelling errors. I love the bear with the bow tie.

Anne Manda said...

Love the bears! I think the texture is awesome, it's a nice contrast to the graphic bears! Happy SS!

WrightStuff said...

Aw he's so cute!!

carol l mckenna said...

Adorable, creative and so well done ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Debbie said...

..A bear? Cute bears this week.

manomij said...

I love your Christmas bears very cute!.

Tracey FK said...

I am with you on getting together for a play.... what's a 15 hour flight between friends right!!!!! I am loving the Christmas bears... I just got my christmas cards printed and they are decidedly unchristmas like... it is the only time i struggle for ideas.... not your problem that's for sure!!!

Katie said...

They are so cute!


Linda Richardson said...

love the texture on your bears!

Linda Richardson said...

love the texture on your bears!

Anonymous said...

these cards are gorgeous - I love the bear with the tiny penguin best!! I love the texture you got with the colour!

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