Sunday, September 02, 2012


This is kind of a flop as far as what I wanted.  The bear is to dark.  Hard to see in the photo...
Date night with Paul! He's scouting roses.....
Portland Oregon has the most amazing rose garden over looking the city!
I took these pictures a couple weeks ago on a beautiful summer evening.
Paul and I were suppose to go to a movie but we had a long island ice tea with our dinner.  We were both getting so tired, yes we are THAT old.  :) We were afraid of falling asleep during the movie!
I'm SO SO glad we didn't go to the movie...we had so much fun goofing around in the garden!  Paul was pointing out all the colors, "Oh wait this one, no this one is better...come see this one it's purple, Hon you gotta take a picture of this one for sure!"  My logical software science engineer is not an artistic or gentle man so seeing him get so excited about these roses was funny AND fun!
Sometimes when you live with a wonderful place like the Portland Rose Gardens, you forget how amazing it is.  Your used to it.  I used to live in the country on an airstrip.  Now when I go back to visit my Mom it's the most beautiful place and I never noticed while I was living there.  It's good to take a break from things in order to learn to love them!
BUT I'm not taking a break from the bears...still have the fever.  BEAR FEVER!


Kristin said...

Your roses are gorgeous and your sketch is so sweet! And Portland! I finally get to see it this October - can't wait! Kristin xo

GalleryJuana said...

I can imagine how fragrant those rose gardens are.
All your bears are sweet and this illustration.

Thanks for your comment. Great idea to switch the fingers where I hold the pen. I usually hold it between my middle and ring fingers but I'll try it a new location this week.

Your 3 wallet picks have me intrigued:)

And the wedding gift drawing in your previous post is amazing!

Christine said...

That's a cute little bear! And those roses are gorgeous!

Morph Waffle said...

What cute pieces and the rose pictures are beautiful!

Tracey FK said...

That rose garden looks amazing... the smells must be fantastic... and I am glad that there are many more bears to come!!!!

WrightStuff said...

Ah those roses are dreamy (and the bears are cute!). The best rose garden I ever smelt was in the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. The scent was incredible.

Serena Lewis said...

Beautiful roses! Beautiful bears! I agree, sometimes we're so used to the 'norm' of our locality that we don't appreciate the true beauty that's there.

Unknown said...

The rose photos are gorgeous, enjoy your bear obsession.

Anonymous said...

Both your bears are So cute! The rose garden is awesome!

Sinderella's Studio said...

beautiful roses- great date night if you ask me! better than a movie!!!! I love both bears - she is not too dark.
cheers, dana

Debbie said...

i don't think the bear is too dark at all, and the tree is great! Love the flowers too.

Introverted Art said...

the bear is a cutie!