Tuesday, June 13, 2006


The first chunky book I have hosted. Not the last. I have plans to start 3 more very soon! On the tag to the right is a hand carved stamp I created for this book. The eye is suppose to resemble my, "one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater". I wanted to post every one's page on this site but it turns out I'm not that good at blogging so I'll just stick with a few of my own. Below is the front of my 4x4 page.

I used pencil to sketch the image on paper then I went over it with pen. Next I used watercolor pencils and then added water to blend the colors. After I got the image all done I took the 4x4 page to Kinko's and copied it 20 times. I glued the front and back covers together with purple fibers between them. Whew! Lots of work! I was so impressed with some of the participants work! The time and creativity were amazing and inspiring!


Victoria Koldewyn said...

ahhh! nice nice nice! I love your flying one horned eyed people eater who is purple! And that stamp..wow..how'd you get the different colors?! It's SCHWEET! Thanks for saying hi...you're such a peach. And I'm a pumpkin, it's almost midnight-thirty for crying out loud. later, bella!

Tonje said...

Wow, that hand carved stamp is exellent... Really nice colours too.

nicci said...

that sounds like a fun book! i would love to see it finished and all bound =)