Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Organize Your Craft Supplies - Five Tips

Organizing craft supplies can be fun or overwhelming…or both! For me organizing is fun, but that’s just me. I know, I’m a freak about organizing.  I know that people are annoyed that I like to organize.  I hate exercising.  I should exercise and I do a little to keep from being ginormous but MAN people who like it? Annoying. How can anyone like being out of breath and sweaty? My Mom and Gram are organizing freaks too.  They taught me or passed along the “love of organizing” gene.

This leads me to tip #1:


Diane said...

Very fun way to organize.

Hugs Diane

Teresa Kline said...

hi Tam, As I read your post, I had to look at the sidebar to be sure you where not I so luv to organize, I should have started a business organizing, I have friends who want me to come over and organize for thanks for sharing, oh and BTW, I do not like exercising either.

sparkle & shine *~*