Thursday, May 23, 2013


 Lot's of teddy heads!  Why would I make teddy heads?  Because, I'm thinking about making them into buttons.  I have a machine that makes buttons and magnets.  I purchased my button maker after I sold a few paintings last year.  Those button maker suckers are expensive!  Anyway, now I think about little illustrations that will look good in the round 1/4" buttons.

Funny story: When I first purchased the button machine I didn't have Word or any editing program on my computer.  I had no way of drawing a design and then resizing it with a program to fit the 1/4" buttons.  SO....I drew all my designs very tiny (smaller than 1/4") so they would fit inside the buttons.  I think that's why my eyes are now two powers worse than the year before last....glad Paul installed the word program. That's so much easier.  PLUS I can just draw normal and use the drawing for more than tiny little buttons. Yes, duh!

Artists in Blogland


sharon said...

They will make gorgeous buttons!, I am thinking fridge magnets too. My sister is teddy bear made an d I am sure she would buy them if she saw them.

Tracey FK said...

These bears are almost as gorgeous as that smiling corgi face in the last post... what a cutie that pup is...xx

denthe said...

Love your teddybear heads, especially the yellow one with the green dots .... I would love to have a button machine, but you're right, they are expensive ....

Netty said...

loving your teddybead heads and they will look fab as buttons. Happy PPF, Annette x

Christine said...

they are beyond cute!

Anonymous said...

These will make the cutest ever buttons, and yes, those button makers are expensive. I looked at one and thought wow! Show us when you make them! Happy PPF

Abela said...

So funny...Saludos

Marji said...

What fun! Love these sweet bear faces.

Linda Kunsman said...

these would make such original darling buttons!! Happy PPF!

Mary C. Nasser said...

What sweet little teddy bears!
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

Giggles said...

They are so adorable and will make fabulous buttons. I'm amazed at the tenacity of artists and what they will do in pursuit of creative expression... You have spunk my dear... I'd not be able to draw that small..

Hugs Giggles said...

Your teddy heads are sooo sweet. I love the one with a moustache, they will make wonderful buttons

Unknown said...

so sweet -- love the first one with the moustache!

Abigail Davidson said...

They're adorable! I'm sure they'll make great buttons =)

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

These are so cute, especially the one with the mustache. I never though about putting my artwork into buttons, what a great idea. Blessings!

Unknown said...

Your teddy bears are adorable! As much as I become irritated by trying to work with those editing programs they definitely make our life easier don't they!
Kirstin x

Koosje Koene said...

Wow these are super cute! And so colorful!
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